Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be Still and Know that I am God...

Psalm 46:10 is a verse in the OT of the Bible that was impressed upon me many years ago, as a thought provoking verse, but of late, even more than ever before, I am impressed with the simple depth of the language.

To me, now, it paints a picture of sitting on a stone in the midst of the trees of a forest and letting the mind melt into utter silence, (your living room is fine, but alone is best) no thought of past or future or worry or strife. As the silence falls upon the mind, the first distant utterance of a small animal can be heard, then another, closer, perhaps in response, don't try to understand, and don't picture the creature that uttered it. Simply hear, no... Listen, focus on each sound.

God is in the smallest creature, the most beautiful flower, the moist raindrop, the brook dancing by in the distance. To know that He is God, is not an intellectual exercise, and to know this now, in this moment, does not require a command of the scriptures, or the skills of discourse or debate.

To know God is, and that He is in all these things, is to feel His presence in each wave of sound that touches your senses, each color that is perceived, each scent that wafts by on the light breeze. Don't think too hard on these things, but feel the presence of God in all these ways, and know, without words, that He is with you, there in the forest, in your mind, wherever you may be, lost in the quiet stillness of pondering.

To be still and know, is not hard to do, unless we see to it that we are safely surrounded with reassuring noise and the clatter of civilization. Let yourself occasionally, if not constantly, be encircled about in the arms of His love, and feel His peace, stilling your soul, giving you the peace you are only capable of when you stop and let Him fill your mind, and your being, with His presence. Be still, and know. He is God


Mona said...

How blessed you are to be able to quiet you mind to this point.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this article, it has really been a helpful read. I've personally never dealt much with the law of attraction in the bible. I'm excited to see how it's all going to turn out.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this article, it has really been a helpful read. I've personally never dealt much with the law of attraction in the bible. I'm excited to see how it's all going to turn out.

Unknown said...

I appreciate the post! My goal is life is to find a machination to involve the law of attraction in the bible in my life. This gave me some greater insight! Thanks for sharing.